Pasque Learning Community is through the South Dakota Synod, ELCA.
What is Pasque Learning Community?
Come on in and find out! Pasque Learning Community is designed to promote powerful, Spirit-led growth and faith formation for any and all leaders in the South Dakota Synod, ELCA. The word “synod” means “walk together” –and in Pasque, that’s what we do: we walk together.
You can find self-paced learning in the “Congregation Resources” category. Just what you need, and just when you need it!
The Pasque Fellowship Hall will host digital conversations with colleagues from every corner of the state. The power of a Learning Community comes into focus when shared wisdom moves us from overwhelmed to hope-filled, from weary to wondering, and from reluctant to ready.
Are you ready for Deeper Learning? We are working to create a menu of online courses, developed for use individually or with a church group. Some courses are self-paced and others will feature live-learning and group sessions